Peter Mulder
TNO Energy Transition Studies & Utrecht University
I am an economist, researching the distribution of costs and benefits of the energy transition.
My research asks: how can we accelerate the energy transition, while at the same time ensuring that the transition is fair and increases welfare beyond emission reduction?
Mot, E., P. Mulder, N. Phan, V. Schippers, R. Schulenberg, C. Tigchelaar, A. Zwamborn, E. Griffioen (2023). Inkomenseffecten van woningisolatie naar de isolatiestandaard [Income Effects of Home Insulation to the Insulation Standard]. CPB/TNO report. Link
Maurik, R., P. Mulder, P. Verstraten (2023). Gezondheidskosten en energiearmoede. Een empirische analyse voor Nederland [Health Costs and Energy Poverty. An Empirical Analysis for the Netherlands], TNO report 2023 P10209.
Mulder, P., A. Batenburg, F. Dalla Longa (2023). Energiearmoede in Nederland 2022; Een actuele inschatting op nationaal en lokaal niveau. [Energy Poverty in the Netherlands 2022. An Assessment at National and Local Level], TNO report 2023 P10210